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Giving back to God brings life that is truly life.

Partner with us as we follow Jesus and share his love together.

Everything we have is a gift from God; all is grace. God doesn’t “need” our money, but giving helps us to be open, kind-hearted, and generous people. Giving back to God brings life that is truly life. Your generous gifts help to multiply the effects of the gospel in our city and throughout the world. We believe that we are called to steward the resources God has entrusted to us— using our time, talent, and treasure in a way that demonstrates that our lives belong to Him.

Because we believe strongly in the vision God has given us, together, we commit to giving financially on a regular basis.

When you give to New Hope, your generosity makes an impact.

  • New Hope Church is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit.
  • Gifts are 100% tax-deductible.
  • We focus our resources on discipleship-based ministries that support kids, students, families, missions and outreach, community, and teaching and worship.
  • Each year, we consistently give more than 10% of our budget to ministry partners and individuals outside the walls of the church.
  • To learn more about how we steward our resources, check out our About Giving page.

If you have additional questions about giving, including what other types of gifts you can give, visit our About Giving page. You can also contact us any time by calling at (503) 659-5683 or emailing us at